lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Pensamiento Divergente o Lateral

Muy buenas,
Hace tiempo que quería hablar sobre este tema ya que llevo tiempo con la sensación de que "todo está conectado":
Últimamente, tengo la sensación de que todo está relacionado y "las piezas empiezan a encajar" (ya hablaré sobre ésto más adelante pero, por ahora: y
A pesar de que me tengo que extender más sobre este asunto ( y
Nota: Tengo que preparar un extenso artículo sobre el tema ya que empiezo a soltar pinceladas dispersas de vez en cuando y llevo tiempo queriendo ponerme a éllo:
He estado leyendo sobre el tema y creo que puede tener algo que ver con ésto:
Para tener mayor creatividad, un individuo deberá contar con este tipo de "Pensamiento" ya que los dos se complementan. Una persona que usa el Pensamiento critico resolverá los problemas que se le presenten con un mayor desempeño y creatividad. Esto le ayudará a ser más eficiente en lo que se refiere a la toma de decisiones. En otras palabras, es buscar respuestas con un pensamiento no lineal.(A.J.R, Pensamiento Critico, Segundo)
La idea central es la siguiente: al evaluar un problema existiría la tendencia a seguir un patrón natural o habitual de pensamiento (las sillas son para sentarse, el suelo para caminar, un vaso para ser llenado con un líquido, etc.), lo cual limitaría las soluciones posibles. Con el pensamiento lateral sería posible romper con este patrón rígido, lo que permitiría obtener ideas mucho más creativas e innovadoras para representar todos esos caminos alternativos o desacostumbrados, que permiten la resolución de los problemas de forma indirecta y con un enfoque creativo. En particular, la técnica se basa en que, mediante provocaciones del pensamiento, se haría posible un desvío del camino o patrón habitual del pensamiento.
Según esta teoría, la aplicación del pensamiento lateral a la vida cotidiana, así como la técnica de alumbrar los problemas desde distintos puntos de vista, permitiría encontrar diferentes, nuevas e ingeniosas respuestas para problemas ya conocidos .
El pensamiento lateral puede ser un motor del cambio. Como técnica o habilidad personal puede ser utilizado en la resolución de problemas de la vida cotidiana, tanto laborales como domésticos ya sea individual o en grupo.
Lateral thinking is solving problems through an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning that is not immediately obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic. The term was coined in 1967 by Edward de Bono.
According to de Bono, lateral thinking deliberately distances itself from standard perceptions of creativity as either "vertical" logic (the classic method for problem solving: working out the solution step-by-step from the given data) or "horizontal" imagination (having a thousand ideas but being unconcerned with the detailed implementation of them).
Web del autor del libro (Edward de Bono): 

I invented the term 'lateral thinking' in 1967. It was first written up in a book called "The Use of Lateral Thinking" (Jonathan Cape, London) - "New Think" (Basic Books, New York) - the two titles refer to the same book.

For many years now this has been acknowledged in the Oxford English Dictionary which is the final arbiter of the English Language.

There are several ways of defining lateral thinking, ranging from the technical to the illustrative.

1. "You cannot dig a hole in a different place by digging the same hole deeper"

This means that trying harder in the same direction may not be as useful as changing direction. Effort in the same direction (approach) will not necessarily succeed.

2. "Lateral Thinking is for changing concepts and perceptions"

With logic you start out with certain ingredients just as in playing chess you start out with given pieces. But what are those pieces? In most real life situations the pieces are not given, we just assume they are there. We assume certain perceptions, certain concepts and certain boundaries. Lateral thinking is concerned not with playing with the existing pieces but with seeking to change those very pieces. Lateral thinking is concerned with the perception part of thinking. This is where we organise the external world into the pieces we can then 'process'.

3. "The brain as a self-organising information system forms asymmetric patterns. In such systems there is a mathematical need for moving across patterns. The tools and processes of lateral thinking are designed to achieve such 'lateral' movement. The tools are based on an understanding of self-organising information systems."

This is a technical definition which depends on an understanding of self-organising information systems.

4. "In any self-organising system there is a need to escape from a local optimum in order to move towards a more global optimum. The techniques of lateral thinking, such as provocation, are designed to help that change."

This is another technical definition. It is important because it also defines the mathematical need for creativity.


I introduced this term in my book 'PARALLEL THINKING' (published by Viking, London and Penguin Books, London).

Parallel thinking is best understood in contrast to traditional argument or adversarial thinking.

With the traditional argument or adversarial thinking each side takes a different position and then seeks to attack the other side. Each side seeks to prove that the other side is wrong. This is the type of thinking established by the Greek Gang of Three (Socrates, Plato and Aristotle) two thousand four hundred years ago.

Adversarial thinking completely lacks a constructive, creative or design element. It was intended only to discover the 'truth' not to build anything.

With 'parallel thinking' both sides (or all parties0 are thinking in parallel in the same direction. There is co-operative and co-ordinated thinking. The direction itself can be changed in order to give a full scan of the situation. But at every moment each thinker is thinking in parallel with all the other thinkers. There does not have to be agreement. Statements or thoughts which are indeed contradictory are not argued out but laid down in parallel.In the final stage the way forward is 'designed' from the parallel thought that have been laid out.

A simple and practical way of carrying out 'parallel thinking' is the Six HatsTM method which is now being used widely around the world both because it speeds up thinking and also because it is so much more constructive then traditional argument thinking.

Information on Lateral Thinking and Six HatsTM methods are available on this website. Particulars of training courses are also given.

Edward de Bono

No estoy seguro, tengo que seguir leyendo sobre el tema.
Por ahora, y como curiosidad, un pequeño test:

Actualización a 03/04/2015: Vaya... y ésto?

Actualización a 26/06/2019: El otro día lo estuvimos comentando en una entrevista de curro: 

Actualización a 05/01/2022: Vaya!

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